Once created, a security label can be associated with individual columns and rows in a table to protect the data held there. 安全标签创建完成之后,可以将它与一个表中个别的列和行相关联,从而保护存放在那里的数据。
Data in a table can only be protected by security labels that are part of the security policy protecting the table. 一个表中的数据只能受到保护该表的安全策略的安全标签的保护。
The guideline specifies that table SECURITY should be the outer table in the join and the XML index SEC_INDUSTRY should be used to access the SECURITY table. 该准则指定应当将表SECURITY作为连接中的外表,而XML索引SECINDUSTRY应当被用于访问SECURITY表。
Session-based socket APIs introduce security and enhanced transactional integrity to the table, and they are included with most application servers. 基于会话的套接字API带来了安全性和增强的事务完整性,而且可以包含在大部分应用服务器中。
Data protection, including adding a security policy, can be done when creating the table or later by altering the table. 数据保护,包括添加安全策略,可以在创建表时进行,也可以在创建表之后通过修改表来实现。
Demonstrates how to set a security zone to populate the permissions required by the application table. 演示如何设置安全区域以填充应用程序表所要求的权限。
If writeback is enabled, the security account that is used must also have permission to write to the writeback table. 如果启用写回,使用的安全帐户还必须具有写入写回表的权限。
Failed to obtain security function table dispatch address from sspi. 未能从sspi取得安全函数表调度地址。
In a move that challenges Russia and China to join the rest of the permanent five members of the Security Council in condemning Syria, Britain announced on Wednesday that it would table a resolution that condemns the regime in tough terms, though does not impose sanctions. 为了叫板俄罗斯和中国,促使这两个国家加入另外3个联合国常任理事国的行列,一起谴责叙利亚,英国周三宣布,将递交一份决议案,措辞严厉地指责叙利亚政权,尽管不会实施制裁。
The Security table ( not currently fully implemented) support a set of parameters required to support secure services communications. 安全(Security)表(目前还没有完全实现)为安全服务通讯提供所需的一组参数。
The behaviors that correspond to the different security levels are listed in the table below. 与不同的安全级别对应的行为在下表中列出。
If your security policy is not defined for these settings, the following table illustrates some best practice values for these settings. 如果你的安全策略中没有定义这些设置,下表给出了对这些设置来说最实用的值。
With India having got the US's coveted backing for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council, two major aspirants to the high table are fuming. 由于美国支持印度成为安理会常任理事国。这样让两个雄心勃勃的感到愤怒。
We all want security to have food on the table, clothes on our back, to freely move around, to worship God our own way. 我们都需要保障:台上要有食物,背上要有衣服,能自由地走动,及用自己的方式去朝拜天主。
When there is declarative security for the same security action on both the class level and the method level, the declarative security will be applied according to the following table. 当类级和方法级都存在同一安全操作的声明性安全性时,声明性安全性将根据下表进行应用。
In this paper, the security system is discussed which is one of the main database systems MySQL, based on the privilege tables. And to improve security performance in application by protecting file system, password, setting the permission table and using running option is discussed. 探讨作为一种最主要的网络数据库系统MySQL的基于授权表的安全机制,以及如何在应用中就文件系统保护、口令保护、权限表设置和运行选项的采用来提高安全性能的问题。
By utilizing the user management model of based on department, role, user and ranking security level of each attribute of object, we can control access to each field of table of RDBMS in intranet system. 同时利用基于部门、角色和用户的人员管理模式,并将对象属性访问控制进行安全分级,为关系型数据库中的信息安全提供字段级控制。
The article introduces the security in building network and table corresponding proposals from two aspects of the problem. 介绍了网络建设中的安全问题,并从两个方面提出了相应的解决措施。
Table 1 Security Access Control Model Using Fast Table for PKI and PMI 一个基于快表的PMI+PKI访问控制框架
This paper concerns the application of ORACLE trigger to information system. It discusses three aspects: providing sophisticated auditing, enforcing complex security authorizations, and keeping the same data of table in different database. 本文主要从提供复杂的审计功能、实施复杂的安全性授权、维护不同数据库之间同步表三个方面论述了ORACLE触发器在信息系统安全方面的应用。
Field level data security control in the Oracle was realized with sub table of field. 使用了字段子表,在Oracle内实现了字段级数据安全控制;
Project team also consider the characteristics of users, system security and the role of other factors, the using of role table and user table technology improved system reliability. 项目组还充分考虑用户的特征,系统安全和其他因素的作用,使用角色表、用户表技术来提高系统的可靠性。
And the effectiveness of the registration, the United Kingdom and the United States are requested to fill in basic data security on one table, and then sent to a specific government or government-designated registered to make registration. 在登记及效力方面,英国和美国都只是要求将抵押基本数据填写在制定表格,然后送交到特定政府或政府指定的中央或地方登记存档办事处,做出登记。
To protect the user password security, it use the DES encryption algorithm to encrypt the password stored in the user table. 在保护用户密码安全方面,采用了使用DES加密算法对存储在用户表中的密码进行加密,增强了可靠性。
Improve data security, increase data backup, data restore feature to finish their business due to the operator data stored in the local server, in order to increase security, increased data backup function ( key table data backup). 提高数据安全性,增加数据备份、数据还原功能因操作员做完业务后数据都存放在本地服务器中,为了增加安全性,增加数据备份功能(重要表数据备份)。
Introduce system safety engineering knowledge such as security table test. advance the hazard analysis and incident tree analysis o Which means are used for analysis the dangerous element about the Baoji-Hanzhong nature gas pipeline project. 介绍系统安全工程知识,包括安全检查表、预先危险分析、事故树分析等方法,并运用这些方法对宝鸡-汉中天然气管道工程可能遇到的危险危害因素进行分析。
This further put forward a thinking of a one-way point directory hierarchical approach and SQL view, separate from each other the original physically adjacent datas, so as to solve the security risk posed by the user data is stored in a table. 本文进一步地提出了单向目录指向分层方式和SQL视图结合的思想,实现了将原本物理上相邻的数据彼此隔离开,从而解决了用户数据存储在同一张表中所带来的安全隐患。
What is the key to solve the entropy of safety is to determine the safety degree of the system, in this paper, which determined through the security check point system table, then make a solution of the entropy of safety. 安全熵求解的关键是确定系统安全度,本文给出通过打分制的安全检查表确定系统的安全度,从而求出系统安全熵值。
The thesis gives a scheme of enhance the security of data warehouse, which is implemented by establishing a "control table of security" in metadata. 文章给出了加强数据仓库安全性的一种方案,它主要是通过在元数据中建立一张安全控制表来实现的。
Aiming at tampering with the routing table, security table entrance protection ( STEP) mechanism is put forward. 针对路由表安全问题,提出了安全表格入口保护(STEP)机制以防止路由表的篡改。